The Resume as Part of Your Social Media Job Search Campaign
Contrary to what you have heard, the resume still has its place in this web 2.0 world; despite interactive mediums, it's still a very crucial marketing tool and essential in launching your digital marketing campaign. What has occurred? Greatly due to the explosion of social media...job sourcing and job-seeker marketing has exponentially evolved. Consequently, the way in which you write and promote your self-marketing message must be hoisted to meet market demands.

You now must be the ‘maestro’ to a digital symphony, which will compose your web persona--and it begins with a resume sheet!

Whether you plan to print your resume or publish its content online-- diminishes NOT the resume's importance. It is now even more imperative that you orchestrate content to deliver a unified message! What's advertised on your resume must be reinforced, complemented, and augmented by what you self-publish across various social networking sites. Substantiate the claims you have made on resume and further position yourself as an expert!

Creative writing and content management

So, I implore you, begin with a resume. Then, define what social media tools will best serve to promote your brand and employability. LinkedIn? Twitter? Facebook? Do you need an online portfolio to showcase images of your work? Will an interview podcast be advantageous in your target field? Would you benefit from a video interview? Once you have developed your resume and identified which social media tools will be part of your job search campaign--you can strategize, publish, and manage online content.

A Few Examples

Do not Repeat Resume Verbatim Online: If you are developing a LinkedIn profile, decipher what you will promote on LinkedIn that you a have not already communicated on resume. Really, what's the point of rehashing resume again? Ignite a desire for others to learn more about your qualifications so they request your resume. Vice versa, create a need for the employer visit LinkedIn. (Yes, you can include your LinkedIn URL on resume; so create a short and professional URL when you set up your account.)

Blogs: If you blog, again your blog should not mimic your resume but it should add a dimension to your resume. Also, stay consistent; say you promote that you blog regarding latest trends in your industry, when the employer visits your blog, that is exactly what they should discover and not rants about your personal life. (That’s for another blog.)

Twitter: If you list on your resume that your tweets are so industry targeted you have gained more than, say, three thousand followers, then that is exactly what they should learn. Additionally, your Twitter bio should provide something special that reinforces your resume’s message. If you have developed a professional site, yes, provide a copy of your resume for easier download; but again, offer the employer something new that they have not yet learned about you via your resume, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Strategize content and unravel surprises as you project a consistent brand, which leaps off your resume onto the web. With the resume as a starting point for your onlinemarketing campaign, your message will come across clearly and position you as the perfect candidate.