Finding a Job is a Lot Like Dating
Let’s be honest, nobody really likes looking for a job. And although the task of finding a job may seem tough to tackle, it’s really quite simple when you compare it to one of your favorite pastimes: dating.

Just like talking about your ex-boyfriend or burping out the alphabet is a sure-fire way to blow a date, there are some things you just don’t want to do when trying to find a job. If you apply these dating guidelines to the job search, you are sure to find a dream job that is a perfect fit for you.

1. Don’t be afraid of rejection. It is going to happen. You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince. Just like dates, there will be some companies that just are not that into you. Do not get discouraged; the right one is sure to come along. Rejection is just part of the game. Sure it hurts the first few times, but just like striking out when asking someone out, you tend to get used to it.

2. Don’t use the same old line. “Do you have a map? Because I am getting lost in your eyes.” Guess what pal, it has been done before! Sadly, most cover letters I read had been done before too. Just like a good pick-up line, a cover letter should leave the recruiting director begging to know more. No one is going to read a full page four paragraph, single spaced cover letter that repeats what is already on your resume. For your cover letter, short, catchy, and non-cheesy is the best way to go.

3. Don’t tell them what you think they want to hear. Just like a smart date, recruiting directors can see through your answers that are too good to be true. Your date won’t buy the fact that for fun you save baby whales from haphazard environments, and the recruiting director won’t buy the fact that being a perfectionist is your worst “weakness.” Be honest, interesting, and yourself.

4. Don’t be a stalker. There is a fine line between being persistent and being a stalker. If the recruiting director hasn’t gotten back to you, don’t call every 5 minutes and then hang up. They probably have caller ID, and they’re officially scared of you. After calling once, leave them a message telling them how to reach you.

5. Don’t always listen to your mom. Just because your mom says the electric orange sweater makes you look cute, doesn’t mean you should wear it on your first date. When it comes to resumes and interviews, your parents mean well, but they don’t always give you the best advice.

If you keep these tips in mind, the job search won’t be half as grueling. Sure dating can be tough, but it definitely pays off when the right match is there and the same can be said for the job search.