Building An Online Identity
Hands down, the Internet is the most comprehensive search tool available today. From researching job listings to identifying target companies and sourcing expert career advice, you have the world is at your fingertips with just a click of a mouse.

In particular, massive search engines like Google and Yahoo help you find anyone, anywhere at anytime. In this month’s issue, I would like to open your eyes to world of online recruiting and show you easy steps to building a professional online presence.

Did you know…

  • Digital data may be hampering your job search even before you get started.

    FACT: A recent study by Execunet, a job search and recruiting network found that 75% of recruiters use online research to learn more about a candidate’s background.

  • You may be passed over for an interview or callback because of unflattering information found on the Internet.

    FACT: The same study revealed that 26% of recruiters dismissed candidates for potential job opportunities because of negative or damaging information found online.

  • Personal and professional data including your comments and posts to blogs are considered fair game for background searches.

    FACT: ERE Media studies the activities of 53 recruiters over a seven-day period and found that 68% used Google and Yahoo and 64% used professional sites like LinkedIn and even blogs to dig up dirt on potential candidates.

    While you may find these facts unsettling at first, you should recognize that more employers and recruiters are doing their “due diligence” to glean information about candidates before calling them in for interviews.

    You should also take this knowledge and use it to your advantage – start working towards building and managing your own online identity. The more positive information there is about you that is posted on the Internet, will help to project am image of you as an active, well-informed, progressive candidate in your marketplace.

    Developing an online brand identity may sound complicated, but the key is to use tools like blogs, professional networking sites, articles and industry associations to consistently display facts about your career progression, certifications, speaking engagements and industry-related articles.

    Ironically, if recruiters discover absolutely nothing about you through their online research, it can work against you; you can be seen as an inactive candidate, not current on industry trends and unaware of major events that impact your marketplace. Today’s employers are looking for savvy candidates who are on top of their profession and are active in their professional communities.

    Five Steps to Building an Online Identity

    1. Develop a Web Portfolio: Hire a web designer to help you develop a professional web portfolio using your personal name as the domain address. The web portfolio can include your resume, awards, special projects, testimonials and published articles.

    2. Create and Use Blogs: You can create a blog to compliment your web portfolio or create a standalone blog to post your comments, feedback, insight and thoughts on various issues and challenges facing your industry. Additionally, you can choose to simply post comments on the blogs belonging to colleagues and mentors whom you admire most.

    3. Use ZoomInfo: This is one of the best kept secrets around that is not being fully utilized. You can open a free account at and create your own profile or career biography. Over time, you can update the information so that your professional information stays current.

    4. Join Professional Online Networks: Professional network associations like LinkedIn, Ryze and Jobster allow you network with fellow colleagues and peers even when are you are not actively job searching.

    5. Write Articles: Use your knowledge and professional insights to write and publish articles on topics relevant to your industry. Many professional associations are happy to have its members contribute articles on a regular basis.