50 Networking NO NOs!
If you really want to find a job, then double your networking efforts. It’s the best job search technique. Networking is an art and science that anyone can learn. To be successful in your search, I strongly suggest a strategy that maximizes your networking efforts. Here are 50 pitfalls to avoid when you are either at a networking event or having individual networking meetings. I have highlighted my pet peeves.

1. Being unprepared or unfocused with your networking objectives
2. Overlooking possible networking connections
3. Overextending with too many targets
4. Being reactive or passive instead of proactive
5. Lacking a name tag
6. Sitting down too early during a networking function or sitting next to people you already know
7. Failing to approach people you don’t know at an event
8. Appearing nervous when approaching a potential contact
9. Sending a negative non-verbal message (i.e., arms crossed, poor posture, dressing unprofessionally, wandering eyes, etc.)
10. Giving a weak sound bite or elevator pitch
11. Requesting help with too many things too quickly or strongly
12. Asking for a business card too early
13. Forgetting your business cards!!!
14. Dominating the conversation by talking, talking, talking

15. Listening selectively and then turning the conversation back to you
16. Sharing your life story
17. Asking questions about areas that seem confidential or controversial
18. Monopolizing other people's time
19. Coming across as shallow
20. Latching onto others or clinging to people you already know
21. Acting desperate
22. Asking too many or too few questions
23. Exaggerating or misrepresenting yourself
24. Thinking networking is only about you
25. Failing to find common denominators with others
26. Coming across as inarticulate
27. Selling instead of being a resource to others
28. Being pushy, argumentative, unfriendly or negative
29. Looking distracted or not fully present
30. Taking, taking, taking
31. Coming across as incompetent or disorganized
32. Showing disinterest
33. Looking like you don’t know your stuff
34. Bragging
35. Interrupting
36. Being impulsive
37. Neglecting to reciprocate
38. Failing to deliver on what you promise
39. Forgetting to request a business card!!!
40. Focusing on quantity, not quality
41. Over-circulating and trying to talk to everyone
42. Lacking follow-up in a timely manner
43. Expecting immediate payoffs or instant answers
44. Lacking patience in building relationships
45. Forgetting to add new connections to LinkedIn
46. Keeping your network referrers in the dark about your progress
47. Neglecting to nurture your network
48. Turning networking into an afterthought instead of a core priority
49. Failing to reassessing the effectiveness of your networking strategy
50. Giving up!!!

Tom’s Tip: “Networking is a contact sport.” - Anonymous

Keep Climbing,
Dr. Tom