Digital Marketing Specialist

Date: May 30, 2024

Location: Columbus, OH, US, 43202

Company: American Chemical Society

CAS uses intuitive technology, unparalleled scientific content and unmatched human expertise to help companies create groundbreaking innovations that benefit the world. As the scientific information solutions division of the American Chemical Society, CAS manages the largest curated reservoir of scientific knowledge, and for 117 years, has helped innovators mine, assess and apply that information to keep businesses thriving. The CAS team is global, diverse, endlessly curious and strives to make scientific insights accessible to innovators worldwide.


CAS is currently seeking a Digital Marketing Specialist. This position will be located in our headquarters in Columbus, Ohio.


Position Summary:

The Digital Marketing Specialist plans and executes email and social media campaigns to help CAS achieve customer acquisition and expansion goals within the scientific information market. This is a highly collaborative and important role working with a global team of marketers, creatives, and technologists to deliver industry-defining solutions and improve business results. It is an outstanding opportunity for a results-oriented marketer to apply skills like creative writing, user-centered design, analytics, and ongoing optimization to mature CAS marketing capabilities and achieve business objectives.


Job Duties:

  • Design and build automated email marketing flows and campaigns to reach and influence our customers and prospects. Role includes planning and executing campaigns, building emails from templates and HTML, copywriting, asset coordination, QA, scheduling, measurement, and optimization.

  • Write and schedule email and social media posts to build communities of engaged followers and users to support CAS customer acquisition and expansion objectives.
  • Interpreting campaign analytics across tactics to measure performance and prioritize opportunities for improvement.
  • Devise and execute A/B tests, manage the testing calendar, record results, and advise on improvements. Testing includes subject lines, message content, CTAs, customer cohorts and segments, send time, and new features intended to drive performance lift.
  • Support the global sales and customer outreach overseeing the translation of social media, email, and other sales/marketing assets into target languages.
  • Advocate for CAS sales teams to leverage social media and email/digital communications to build relationships, uncover customer needs, and act upon new business opportunities.
  • Collaborate with other departments (customer relations, sales, etc.) to manage reputation, identify key players, and coordinate activities to achieve business objectives.
  • Evaluate and apply latest trends and technology to improve CAS campaigns, increase efficiency, and manage risk while advancing CAS Marketing strategies.
  • Other duties as required


Job Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, or a related field
  • 2-3 years of digital marketing experience turning marketing strategies into effective campaigns and workflows using marketing automation platforms such as Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Eloqua, or Pardot.

  • Proven creative writing and written communication skills across digital mediums. This role will demonstrate the ability to write copy that can persuade, entertain, and inform people depending on the needs of each communication.

  • Understanding of data analytics and data-driven decision-making. This role interprets analytics data to inform critical decisions impacting the effectiveness of campaigns. This includes developing knowledge of Google Analytics and other similar online tools.

  • Project Management and collaboration skills to work across functional groups, regions, languages, and lines of business.  Managing your own time and the project’s timelines and factoring in the time of those you’ll need to work with to make campaigns successful.
  • Experience working with vendors to manage service-level agreements and project timelines.
  • Positive attitude, detail- and customer-oriented, with good multitasking and organizational ability.
  • 1-2 years executing social media campaigns to achieve business results, ideally using social media management platform like Hootsuite or Sprinklr. and digital communications to achieve business results.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Experience with marketing automation and social media management platforms like Eloqua, Hubspot, Sprinklr, Pardot, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, or Hootsuite.

  • Working knowledge of email and social media fundamentals, including privacy laws (CAN-SPAM/GDPR), social reputation management, email design, and measurement.

  • Strong writing and editing skills and the ability to convey a tone and style appropriate for different communication tactics and social media channels.

  • Adequate knowledge of web design, web development, and online marketing with a demonstrated desire to expand and grow and implement marketing strategies to yield business results.

  • Knowledge of design and creative software like Canva or Adobe Creative Suite.

  • Good analytical skills and experience with social media analytics tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, etc.

  • Working knowledge of how SEO and content marketing work.

  • Ability to work well in a fast-paced, team-based environment.


CAS offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package, including a generous vacation plan, medical, dental, vision insurance plans, and employee savings and retirement plans. Candidates for this position must be authorized to work in the United States and not require work authorization sponsorship by our company for this position now or in the future. EEO/Minority/Female/Disabled/Veteran.














Nearest Major Market: Columbus

Job Segment: Testing, Cloud, Project Manager, QA, Quality Assurance, Technology, Quality